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01 Jun

Momentary Lapse – A Pink Floyd Tribute Show

  • 7:30pm
  • $35
  • $25 youth 12 and under
  • all tickets an additional $5 day of show

** Rescheduled for Saturday, June 1! **

Nova Scotia’s ‘Momentary Lapse’ brings the audio and visual sensations of Pink Floyd to the stage, delivering favorite moments from classic Floyd albums: The Dark Side of the Moon, Wish You Were Here, Animals, The Wall, Momentary Lapse of Reason and The Division Bell. Momentary Lapse takes you on an authentic journey into the past of one of the world’s most timeless and iconic bands by recreating one of the most legendary live shows in rock history.

This Pink Floyd tribute concert has left audience members in awe:

“…I was Gob-Smacked!”

“…it was Unbelievable!”

“…OMG, what a show!”

“… Didn’t want it to end!”

“The best tribute band I’ve ever booked”

“From the vocals, the musicians, the lighting, to the video presentation, the production was not only top-notch, it was the best I’ve ever seen on our stage!!”

“This show was AMAZING both visual and technically from start to finish!!”

Band members include:

Jofe Macdougall – Vocals, Guitar; Murray MacIvor – Guitar, Vocals; Brett Macdougall – Sax; Robyn Alcorn – Vocals; Niki Veniot – Vocals; Sarah Macpherson – Vocals; Ray Hedd – Bass; Steve Keough – Drums; Rick Rankin – Keyboards