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14 Feb

Sweetheart Soiree at Strathspey

  • 7:00pm
  • $30
  • per person | $60 per couple

A high class, fun evening with exquisite local cuisine prepared by the Clove Hitch Bar & Bistro and music by Cyril MacPhee.

This event will set the stage for love, literally! The evening will be hosted on the Strathspey stage, with clips from classic romance films playing on the big the screen!

The Menu will feature:

Start – Charcuterie Plate
Middle – Asian BBQ Beef & Chicken Lollipop with Thai Red Curry Dip
Finish – Chocolate Truffle, Shortbread with Salted Caramel Dip and Cheesecake Bites

A cash bar will be available for the evening as well.

Limited number of tickets available! Purchase online, phone 902 945 5300 or in person at the the box office!

Minimum ticket sales of 60 are required prior to Friday, February 10th in order for event to proceed